There is something nonsense in turning an Inazuma into a scrambler. Something weird... Something cool. By Mondo Bikers - Bagheria, Palermo
View ArticleSporty Scram by Fiftyfive
Introducing the latest build by our friend Francesco Armino - Fiftyfive Garage, Perugia (Italy)
View ArticleConstellation
The "Constellation"... another nice beemer custom by Frank Augello Moto Sumisura - Vigevano - Italy
View ArticleR100 No name by JK
Jérémy Semmel of Jerikan Motorcycles doesn't love to give a name to his bikes... This one is his latest 1977 BMW R100/7. The images are much more than the words. Jérémy Semmel di Jerikan Motorcycles...
View ArticlePapillon's Project 14
The street-tracker mania hits the Queen of the four... The 14th project by Papillon Motorcycles in Paris is a 2002 XJR 1300 brought from 255 kg (562 lbs.), fully fuelled, to 230 kg (251,3 lbs). Not...
View ArticleBuell Reboot Concept
Our reader Robert Kwolek has worked on this project in his free time over the past 2+ months. He called it the Buell Reboot, as this is the design he wish Buell had made before its bankruptcies....
View ArticleJuly 4th
The model: Masuimi Max - The bike: Inazuma - The photoshop: Luke - Tha date: 4 July 2015
View ArticleInazuma TT racer
The latest jewel by Yann La Cible a flashy yellow Inazuma 1.2 powered by a 1991 GSX-R 1127cc engine...Yann stripped down this 1200 to the bone, modified the sub frame and epoxy painted the entire...
View ArticleMichela and the Guzzi
Michela and the "Guzzi 158" by Officina 73 - Nola (Naples), Italy Photos by Narciso Miatto (Inazumized) Visit Officina 73 on Facebook
View ArticleMillenovecento36 by OCG
The 2002 Guzzi Nevada 750"Millenovecento36" is the Oscar Tasso’s tribute to the Fiat 500cc. "Topolino". On June 15, 1936, the automaker Fiat launched the 500A, which later became known as "Topolino”...
View ArticleFerox By Anvil
Named after the cyclone that hit Western Europe last May, like any other bike built by Phonz and Marco of Anvil Motociclette, the Ferox "settemmezzo" has a story that explains its birth..."This CB750F...
View ArticleStreitwagen
R80 "Streitwagen" by Cafe Twin @ Cinecittà - Rome... and the R100 Parsifal by Cafe Twin - Rome
View ArticleThe Red Bombardone
Inazuma Cafe decided to change the color of the 14th build by Officine Sbrannetti This GS1100 motard custom named Bombardone (Bomber) will be the personal bike of Marzio, one of the team member of...
View ArticleReaders' rides: Daniel's K100 Scram
If you really want a scram but you are unable to get rid of your K100... Our readerDaniel Doller has got the solution... Se davvero volete una scrambler, ma non riuscite a separarvi dalla vostra...
View ArticleAnother little bastard
The Lab #30 is a Honda XLR125... By Lab Motorcycles - Portugal visit Lab Motorcycle
View ArticleXJR by KB Freewings
1998 Yamaha XJR400 custom by K.B.FreeWings– Vidnoe (Moskow), Russia Photos and report by Petr ToluzakovMax had the idea to build this bike 7 years ago, when he used to work on cars but occasionally...
View ArticleMuxima
Latest by Ton-Up Garage from Portugal, Muxima was built based on a Honda FMX 650, named after a village in Angola and it means “heart” in Kimbundu. Dal Portogallo, l'ultima realizzazione di Ton-Up...
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